Tuesday, 20 March 2007

murphy's law

Why is it that kids poop their pants or dogs vomit on the carpet just as your guests rock up outside the front door?
Never had that experience?
Oh. It must be just my lucky set of circumstances then - sigh. Nevermind.


Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I've more experience with the just as we're leaving the house variety, or the kid getting mildly injured and screaming like a maniac just as my mother in law phones sort.

You are not alone. ~hugs~

shishyboo said...

it gives you something to fondly remenisce and chuckle about after the embarrassment and mess are long gone...
who am I kidding!?! remember my poo bum bottom post? i'm still having flashbacks!
if anything it keeps you on your toes...

Muse said...

One time I came home from work and opened the door to the acrd aroma of cat piss. It was coming from the bathroom at the back of the house.

It stunk... and yes, we had people coming for dinner just about to land on our doorstep.

I had to air the house out... and luckily once the 'soiled' bathmat was taken away... and disposed of, matters improved.

Anonymous said...

My children seem to know when I've been up all night working on something...the minute my head hits the pillow, without fail one of them is waking up with a nightmare. Or fever. Or sleepwalking into the bathroom and peeing on the floor. The stories are endless... my long-winded way of saying, I feel for you, luv.